Wednesday, January 21, 2009


David and I have a daily routine...most nights, we come home and get changed into comfy clothes, make and eat dinner, and settle down onto the couch to watch the boob tube. And thus it begins...the nightly routine of Rex bringing us his ball (substitute any toy, but "ball ball" is probably his favorite!), upon which we throw it down the hallway, he scrambles off after is with his little legs going all Fred-Flinstone on the Pergo floors, then brings it proudly back to the couch so that we can start all over again. Usually at some point, the thrower will begin encouraging him to take his ball ball to the other person to throw. The dog is relentless. Apparently, fetch NEVER gets old for little high-strung dogs! He is cute, though, so we forgive him. At any rate, the photos for today are of our little guy and his sweet play-ball-with-me face. Who can resist? (Oh, and I threw in a close-up of Rex's eye from one pic - you can totally see my reflection in it...isn't that kinda creepy?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These pictures are SO Good!