Friday, January 30, 2009

Day 3 as refugees...

Day 3 of being a refugee in my parents' house, and David is praying that the electricity doesn't come back on any time soon! We are eating and being entertained more than ever happens at home! Probably the only downside is that we're sharing what seems to be a very small bed - I don't even know if it's a Queen. Definitely makes me miss the king back home! We did make a trip home for a few supplies, and it is f-r-e-e-z-i-n-g!!!! We also ventured out today since cabin fever was beginning to set in - met up with a group for lunch at Old Chicago, and did some grocery and video shopping. Now we're definitely set for another week or so. Power is still out at Assumption, so it could be another week...who knows? Last night and again tonight we've been joined by Neil and Tasha and Krissy, Jeff, and Kaia for dinner at mom and dad's...and tonight we have MarioKart to boot! Here are some photos from yesterday - clearly we are all making the most of these snow days!


Anonymous said...

Are you out there..there...there...there?

Anonymous said...

I second that..

How am I supposed to kill time at work when there are no new posts!?!?!?